Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spitz weather

The most beautiful fall in many years got interrupted by a little rain mixed with a very nice loud thunder storm.
Schatzi did remember the thunder from the summer and promptly disappeared into Dad's very secret safety refuge hiding place. It apparently was not safe enough, so she changed to sitting under the doll carriage, back again into her basket and fortress and then sneaking upstairs again. I have not seen her so invisible in a long time, head down low and the short little tail almost on the floor.
That rain included also a very small swath of " wintery mix ", a meteorological speak. Just a few blocks of wet snow, and if you did not happen to be there you would have never known.
We call the cool temps " Spitz weather ", just right for a round spherical fur ball, with a double coat.
Having poked around in the German Spitz site, I am still not sure if Schatzi is a "Kleinspitz " or a " Mittelspitz ", or possibly just a " Zwergspitz ". But according to their specifications not a Pomeranian.
We don't care. She is the sweetest little smiley face whatever Spitz she is.

Dental care for the two doggies is so much easier than a few years ago. Waldi had the worst teeth of all of them. Because of his heart problem we never wanted to have him put under anesthetic . And when it could not be avoided anymore, he lost more than half of his teeth.
Schatzi and Molly get a small amount of Oxyfresh into their water. Oxy contains enzymes, which helps to keep tartar off. There are also coated chewies that will do the same .

Mollys evening activity includes sitting on the big window, keeping a sharp eye for anything that might move in the darkness and telling us all about it. She barks and growls and her little motor is constantly running. If needed, Schatzi comes dashing up on the window bench and helps out.
I try to describe Schatzi's voice, so totally different than any dachsie :

She sings like a hoarse mezzo soprano with a vibrato.
Dad calls it gargling.

Monday, October 4, 2010

That girl again !

The last hummer left about 2 weeks ago, we don't hear the crow with the duck call anymore and September is gone completely. And with it, hopefully, also the never ending heat.
September was the hottest since records are kept here and to my great joy, there was a tad of frost on the roofs on the 2. of October.

Crissy drove from Pittsburgh for a short stint to visit her house on the West side.

Schatzi is mostly beside herself.
She can tolerate practically everybody, especially if it looks like they just come for a short visit. Unless of course, they want to walk down stairs to the toilet paper museum. Then they get blasted with a warfare woof.
But with Crissy it is a different thing.
Holy cow, she even looks like she wants to belong to the family ! Did we not get just rid of her last spring ?
Schatzi is sitting in her safety zone basket and fortress, watching Crissy's every move with eagle eyes.
What are you walking on my kitchen floor ... bark bark ....... stay away from me ... bark bark bark .... not too close to the table ...bark bark .... you don't need to sit ..... what, you are setting the table...... you mean you want to stay for dinner are kidding me, right ?......absolutely no sleeping in this house !! .... Why don't you get quiet feet ........ bark ... I hate heels .....well, okay just one little petting if it has to be.
Schatzi figured out, if we make Crissy sit against the wall on the Eckbank, she can't get out. So the little Spitz peeks around the corner into the dining room and dashes up onto the window seat. Close to Dad and safely away from that girl.

We have no idea what makes her so afraid. The only thing could be, she resembles someone in the puppy mill.

Molly on the other hand found someone else to cuddle with.
She even joyfully goes on long walks with Crissy.
All is well, as long as they walk out and come back home the same route. A loop confuses Molly.
Crissy stopped to talk with Bill next door, and after a little while, Molly waited long enough. This guy looks like he has a house.
Let's go inside....... we might never find our's again.