Sunday, July 11, 2010

Molly lives here now

After not hearing from Sara in 14 days, she sent a note, saying, if we want Molly, she is ready to give her up.
Friday afternoon, there she walked into the house ! Molly was just as confident as the last time, curious, happy, well behaved and friendly.
The first meeting was smoother, no snarling and showing of teeth .This time Schatzi was not so thrilled , which did not phase Molly. Schatzi just sat in her safety place and growled while Molly wagged her little tail with a small flag on the end.
Sometimes I wonder about some of the little guys and girls.
When I left the house, Waldi cried and waited in front of the garage door, even if everybody else was at home. Toby sat a whole day in the bay window waiting for his parents to come back.
On the other hand, Hannelore was so worried to leave Skeeter Bug and Mandy, that she almost did not leave town. And the two little traitors did not care one bit. As soon as the door had closed -- what's to eat -- what's to do in the yard -- let me sit on the couch -- where do we sleep -- I need a tummy rub -- let me taste that chewie ....
Molly was so busy in the backyard, chasing the newly discovered squirrels, jumping several feet high on a tree, racing across the grass with super speed --- she never looked back either.
Molly dashed through the house, from Dad's office to Andy's basement, from the desk to the laundry room, sitting on the Eckbank during dinner until she settled on a corner of Andy's couch. Toys moved in in the meantime and she claimed that spot as her nest.

Molly is used to eating dry food, so the little trays of moist food, did not please her palate. We'll see, if she wants to change in time. There is no hurry.

Bedtime was a little problematic . First time in a new environment took a lot of exploring.
The foam bumpers Dad put under the bed so Schatzi would not disappear below, Molly discovered those and how to navigate around them. Light on ! Molly had to be helped out from under the bed. Out of bed again to rearrange some shoes . Light on again ! Jumping out of bed and on a chair to make a different bed . Light on. Checking out the bathroom ---- light on . Climbing on the night stand to reach the water bowl...--- lights ! Trying to hop up onto that high bed and crashing into my foot stool -- lights - to pick her up . She finally settled in and slept most of the night.

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