Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In the Hospital again

Schatzi did not feel good.
We would have never known, because she was playing like every other morning.
Squeaking the green Willy, racing up the bed stairs, throwing her toys on the floor, looking over the edge to see how far away they landed, then dashing off and catching the squeaky. Up into bed ---- she huffs and puffs , the tongue is hanging out -- but she never gets tired of this game.
Molly in the meantime sleeps in the race track and gets run over frequently.

Breakfast is served --- and no takers.
It is nothing new for Molly, she barely is ever interested, a little sniff and she walks away.
Schatzi cleans her bowl and moves over to Molly's, seeing how vigilant is mom this morning and how much she can sneak before it is snatched up.
Her food stayed untouched and she showed no interest to see what Molly left.
Dad cut way down on the peanut butter bites for the birds, because we were being invaded by the pigeon flock from the chimney across the street.
Schatzi was not interested and could not even be enticed by a little piece of Muenster cheese.
Okay, an upset tummy can happen. No reason to get worried.

During the day she vomited a little foam, tinged beige.
I am always looking for blood, but I still have no experience recognizing it.
Later came a torrent of dark brown liquid -- just like chocolate syrup.. Her snout was dirty and she had to have her feet washed off.
Of course, it is Sunday and the emergency vet's office cannot diagnose anything over the phone . I opted to wait to see our Doc. in the morning, unless things got worse.

Dr. Chmelka felt her tummy, which was tender, she was dehydrated again, bloody stool sample, blood test , fever, no parvo and no pancreatitis.
Schatzi had to stay in the hospital with an I V to be rehydrated again !

The doc was not sure what was the problem possibly a virus that causes intestinal bleeding....... rods.... white blood cells...... too much chemistry in his phone call

She got antibiotics and could go home in the evening, still with a catheter in her leg.
Schatzi was sooooo happy to get home ! She ate chicken and rice with water, another small meal before bedtime, everything stayed in and she had a good night's sleep.

Molly was very worried all day.
Every time the car stopped, we lost some one. Schatzi at the vet, mom at the pool, and when Dad asked her, if she would like to go with, she did not move.
The odds were really bad, Molly figured , she would be left behind the next time.


  1. Bless. I’m a tough guy but she melts my heart!

  2. Hi, thank you so much for reading about my little mill dog ! Appreciate it ....Gaylee
