Thursday, April 29, 2010

Expedition to the Outback

Schatzi decided early in the morning to shock her Dad : Today, I will take the plunge !
She carefully checked the backyard for the last 3 weeks and today was the day to nonchalantly just walked off into the lower 40ties .
She ambled to where it smells of fox food, around the big blue spruce, very gingerly wobbled over the rocks, sniffed another tree, where the fox probably left his business card, looked astonishingly at a squirrel and headed calmly towards the door.
Emmett walking a short distance behind her, eyes open wide huffing in disbelieve.

Stopping by the door, she remembered her good manners : I let him think, he is the alpha dog and wait until he is inside and then I show up. I am really in Dad's good graces now !

With Andy I will explore the family room and even attempt to climb these stairs, although I am still not quite sure how they work. One step at the time, so far so good.

Mom comes dressed in her chain mail !
Oh boy, this can only mean another driving lesson. Don't they know by now how to make that car go ? I have to really dig my nails in mom's shoulder to slow it down.

Schatzi likes busy parking lots and sees everything, eyes never blinking , never missing a thing and never taking a nap like all the dachsie used to do.
The dachsies knew the town inside out. Parking by the Vet -- bad news. Parking by Wimberger's on the Westside brought delicious morsels of Gelbwurst and stinky cheese. Parking by the meat packing plant was confusing and had many scary scents.

Schatzi so far does not care where we park, the important question however remains : Why do we need the car for this ?

3 Weeks already

We have Schatzi now 3 weeks and she came a long way, but also has a long way still to go. I think, my goal of her being a confident little girl in a month might have been premature. But, we have one more week to go.

Emmett got his first doggie kiss. She is daddy's girl without a doubt.

Yesterday just sitting and meditating outside at night with Dad , the fox jumped over the fence. Schatzi wanted to race off into the dark totally unconcerned to see what this was all about. Luckily, she was on the leash.

I had no idea, she can see the backyard from her basket. Enough robins look through the glass door into the kitchen and the squirrels eat peanut butter sandwiches right in front of her on the deck. Does not impress her.
The more I was surprised to see that she watched 2 men working in the backyard. Her little nose could barely look over the edge of the basket and her ears were in alert mode.
Suddenly a warning woof and 2 seconds later the door bell rang. No body on the front door -- nobody on the back door either.
Schatzi's bark had just the right pitch to trigger the transmitter for the door bell upstairs.
She is like an opera singer who can shatter a crystal wine glass with the right tone. Brava !

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Bad Bark !

Schatzi barked !
A real bark, loud and ferocious, repeatedly and serious with emphasis on warning the service man to stay away, this is my house and I protect it !
It was an honor for Jim from Wright Heating and Cooling to be singled out by a little girl who did not say a word for almost 3 weeks.
What a woof ! A little rusty perhaps, but it worked and it must have surprised herself.
As happy as she is to have found her voice, Schatzi now has to learn how to apply it correctly.
I wonder if there are private bark lessons ? Yes, with Dad.

Another first was really playing like a young doggie with the new chewie.
She grabbed it with both paws, nudged it with her nose, she batted it , hopped with it from one basket into the other and was totally happy. The tail was wagging and she raced from her basket to the kibble bowl and back, every time picking up a little piece of food. In all the days we have her she never took so many steps in one day.
It looks, like she is bursting out of her shell !

Emmett sat Schatzi on the table to measure her for the new harness . That was too high and scary and Dad just caught her from jumping down into her safety basket. The harness was fitted and Dad and Andy took a giant leap of faith into the backyard without the leash hooked to her.
Schatzi did what she always did --- nothing.
She sat, smelled wood smoke that billowed from 2 backyards away and it never occurred to her that she could just romp and explore.
Schatzi also does not realize that the inhabitant of the yard have way more life experience than she does. She is the predator and does not know it. Never the less, the squirrels dutifully scatter and run, although they are not impressed by a little pampered doggie -- yet.

Fausti however was a great hunter.
We had a flock of ordinary city pigeons who liked our back yard and picked trough anything they could find. Fausti cleared them out daily, this was in her much younger days . How much fun this was to bark and make them scramble !
After a while smart Faustimaus was a fixture in the grass, the pigeons got used to her and just feinted an obligatory lift off. Then one day she pounced on one of them and that was the end of the bird. A remnant of that flock still sits on the chimney across the street.

At another hunt Fausti and Waldi caused the demise of a squirrel, but not before they got scratched and bitten in the nose. Both dachsies got fever and had to take antibiotic for a while.

With a little encouragement Schatzi walked back into the house and climbed on the couch.
Look at me Mom, no leash ! What a doggie !
Nap time. She loves to be covered, just like all the dachsies and she can fold herself into a small pile of fluff and hair and snoozes.

Another one of our tiny friends went to doggie heaven . Gerdy was a miniature dachsie, about 16 years old, a gracious little lady. She shared her life with Gunda, a Shephard and traveled in a motor home to many jewelry and antique shows. Little Gerdy will be very much missed by all.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad feet

Yesterday we had to say good by to Brutus in Pennsylvania and to Mollie in the West. Brutus was a black Lab, a real outdoors man and Mollie a dainty little poodle, who drank water from a crystal bowl. They were both great doggies and will be missed.

It was supposed to be the last day for Schatzi's medication after the spay, however the pill bottle absolutely disappeared from this house. Searching from the fridge to the dirty laundry, to the china cabinet, the trash, a rosemary pot, the desk ---- nothing. A cat must have stopped by. So Schatzi had to live without. She looks great, and I am hoping, the missed dose will not hurt her.

Another driving lesson.
Any American dog has to know what to do with a car. Not like Ohren, our # 2 dachsie, who chased a motor cycle down the hill, and jumped out of an open car window in a curve because he wanted to go home. He did not like the new place where he was moving to. He also took Max, a very young and inexperienced dachsie along , while searching for the old house. Safety in numbers.

Schatzi however, has no confidence in stopping the world from whizzing by. She puts the brakes on hard, always in mom's neck. But wait a minute --- there are treats suddenly and a different harness. Maybe, it was not that bad after all.

At the pet store looking totally baffled, a clerk helped us with a step in harness. Dad thought, maybe the soft pink one, which is rather wide around her neck might scares her from barking . A different design might help, also because she does not want to walk anywhere.
The clerk, a dog trainer, looked at her and knew she was a terrified little girl. He knew about puppy mill survivors and also about their paws. I watch Schatzi all the time very gingerly climbing out of her basket and carefully putting her feet on the floor. The man looked at her pads and the callouses .This is caused by living in a cage with a wire floor, which splays her feet. This is equal to a club foot in people and very painful.
I always noticed that she holds her right foot in a strange angle and her leg is bowed out. Now we know.

A lady at the pet store talked with her and Schatzi's eyes got huge but held on tight to her Dad. Still very afraid.
The lady also knew about mill doggies, since she rescued Delila, a dachsie. She said, it took at least 2 months for her to feel comfortable.
We are way ahead of that curve already !

Tomorrow we will try on the new harness. What a beautiful color, french lilac to go with her Briget Bardot look !

Sunday, April 25, 2010


If the old Third Reich would still be around, I could send out a " Sondermeldung " with heavy Franz Liszt music, " Les Preludes ".
Special message : Great news, Schatzi barked two little woofs,and one growl, just about 1 in the morning. She can say something ! But so far she had nothing else to add.
The weather was incredible bad with everything that an ecstatic meteorologist can produce in a day in the Rockies. Tornadoes north of here, thunderstorms, rain and hail, fog, a little sun ,a blizzard and terrible wind. The window was cracked at night , the curtains were waving back and forth and reaching all the way to our bed .That was enough of a concern to bark back. Two little woofs and a small growl.
At least we know, she can talk.

We anticipated a set back of a couple of days after the spay.
She is sleeping mostly and healing.
The wind gusts are still crazy and it is almost impossible to get her to go outside. With a cowed look and panic in her eyes, Dad picks her up and brings her inside right away. No action of course again. This can't be good for her kidneys, especially since she amended the 24 hour plan to about 30 .
So we decided to try indoor plumbing.
The pet store now sells piddle pads, sort of flat diapers, with a scent built in, that is supposed to attract the dog and wants him to go on that spot.
Dad sat her on the pad. Schatzi is not interested.
The only thing of interest is how can I cover the distance from that " Fresh Grass " scented piddle pad to my safe basket ?
I could, and I am staying put.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Taking pills

A day to recover. Schatzi slept well and even made tiny signs of having to go out. Normally it is an exuberant bunny hop and waving a flag, today you just had to sense it. Her ears were flat against her head, fear.
Good job in the yard and anticipating breakfast. Feeding is not very easy yet, because she is still very suspicious .Especially after that stress yesterday.

Three things have to get into her food : lot's of yogurt cultures because of very loose stool. An antibiotic because her teeth also got polished and Rimadyl, an anti inflammatory and pain med. Hiding the pills in the food and hoping she would swallow --- good girl, she ate all of them.
It would have never worked for the Dachsies, they could sense the medication,and spit the pill out without touching it . Only a pill rolled in liver wurst did the trick. And plenty of it afterwards. Waldi and Fausti both were on Rimadyl for arthritis and Waldi also on Analapril for a heart murmur. Dr. Chmelka said, his heart sounded like a washing machine.
Strangely enough, my mother was on the same heart medication, only Waldi took 4 times as much.
For tonight I figured out a better way.
I will wrap her meds into a small amount of food, and when this is eaten, I will give her a new bowl . This way I don't have to search through the remnants to see, if the medication is gone.
Schatzi is mostly resting, still looking somewhat disheveled and has the Brigitte Bardot look on a bad hair day.

Getting spayed

Stress X 10 !
Schatzi got spayed today, a doggie hysterectomy . Who knows how many litters of puppies she had, conceivably 6 to 8. In the doggie mills the more litters the better, this equals money. Who cares, when the moms got worn out and don't produce anymore, there are plenty of fresh dogs.

She was not happy this morning.
Did mom forget my breakfast ? It certainly looked like it.

The 20 miles to the kennel were a serious struggle between a powerful little girl and 2 people holding her from climbing into the back seat.
At the rescue, she was silent. On one hand, she was familiar with the smells and barks, on the other hand, she looked with incredulity : Are they abandon me ?

There was lots of activity. The enclosures were cleaned, a cart of stainless steel bowls were washed and the play area was full with temporary quarters for all kind of little guys. It was amazingly quiet for so many dogs, except for a little one with a big mouth : a dachsie. Birgit told us, they received 70 dogs in the last rescue. Among them a lot of beautiful dachshunds.
We always had more than one doggie, but with Schatzi having to learn everything, there is no way we could take another one. Schatzi needs so much help that it would not be fair to her to raise another dog at this time.

5 hours later Dad removed her from her recovery cage, completely groggy .
One of the volunteer ladies told us that, she " shredded " someone after she woke up from the anesthesia. She escaped , had to be chased and put back into her quarters, all the while biting into a glove and not letting go.
My timid little girl who is so afraid of the world. Hard to believe, that she has it in her.
Sleeping in the backseat on the green big old pillow, that all the Dachsies used in the car, we got home without struggle.

Papa carried her in , carefully placed her in her bed, rump up and head low.
It looked like she needed a little adjustment. Suddenly she screamed and turned at him, almost biting. Dad had touched the incision !
Schatzi is now recuperating and sleeping.
According to the veterinarian, she will be almost back to normal in 24 hours.
Let's hope she knows that.
Around 10 in the evening she was looking around, bright eyed, but definitely not bushy tailed.
Are they still serving dinner ? Schatzi ate well, did not throw up and was ready to go back to bed.

Back yard Buffet

What a day for discovery !
Waking up really frisky with the tail waving around, she is up at 6:30. Dad in shoes pants and a coat under his P.J. takes her out , like always, false alarm. Wonder why she does not want to do her business ? She sits shivering in the grass , still wet and covered with a light frost, listening to all the morning sounds.
The robins are watching the house if breakfast is coming. Gold finches still in the dark winter plumage, a towhee somewhere, the squirrels walking along the tall fence making a big detour, early crows, lot's of finches and who ever comes by to eat. Didn't see any blue jays for a while.

Dad serves a tremendous buffet for the backyard denizens. Sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, suet, shelled peanuts a 10 pound sack for 18 Dollars , sweet apples cut in half stuck on old forks, water of course, dried cranberries with sugar, peanut butter sandwiches cut in small bites.
Raisins were cheaper, but with a new doggie, and the danger with raisins, it is now sugared dried cranberries for the Robins.
In the evening the fox eats a big chunk of bison heart, not for human consumption or a beef kidney . We used to buy ground bison scraps, only for animal food. The meat packing plant mixes charcoal in it . The first time in the microwave, it started to smell and smoke, and a paper plate caught on fire.
After plenty of opportunities in the yard, Papa and Schatzi head straight back to bed. She picked the foot board as a favorite spot the first time she was put into our bed, and she still likes it there the best.
Our dachsies slept in a T- formation. Waldi between our pillows, Schnapps on a place lower and Fausti across by our feet. She also had an extra pillow for her head and slept elevated, because of a breathing problems.

For breakfast Schatzi showed more courage than yesterday. She clearly wants to eat. Carefully stretching half out of the basket she has to put her little feet on the floor. Nobody better be in the kitchen ! The " afraid of my food " routine is less scary today then yesterday. So courageous Schatzi keeping an eye on Dad, the toaster and the coffee maker, stepped out and finished her bowl.

Andy can pee and poo her the best. When they are in the yard, she learns to walk into the house, still on the long leash. She investigates the fox area, gets wrapped around the cloth line pole and panic again !. Safety is in the house now, hopefully not in a dark hiding place anymore. She walks through the door, still with encouragement and makes it.
She discovered the couch by herself. Up not a problem, but coming down fell flat on her face.
There are stairs too ! She is not quite sure how to tackle them, but she got where she wanted to go - safe in the basket.
Picking up the ancient raw hide piece that several doggie visitors enjoyed, and like a pro Schatzi gives it a few test chews. Nap time.

Dinner time worked even better than breakfast. Emmett and Andy walking back and forth - who cares ? Not me ! Not even waiting for a pause, out of her basket, eating, cleaning the bowl and done. Like she did this all her life.
It is dark now and longer than 10 hours that she peed the last time.
Andy will have to talk with her .

Bombs away !

Bombs away last night right on Dad's quilt. She really had to go and we did not understand what she tried to tell us.
Papa was in the little girls room reading. I was in bed, all hooked up to my air sleep machine, a carpal tunnel brace on my hand and my glasses in difficult reach. She was hopping around in bed, looking over the edge several times but not taking the plunge into the Black Canyon. Her light colored tail was waving around like a semaphore -- at least, this is what I thought I imagined.
Without my glasses I can't see more than 6 inches in the dark. A month ago there was still plenty of light in the bedroom from the street . But to save money, the city turned off about 10 000 lights, which included the one by our house.
I thought she was frisky and playful until the nose realized what was going on.
For a doggie, who is not housebroken let alone has ever been in a home, she is doing remarkably well.
I always say, I have a mean washing machine.

Schatzi is getting braver. Being in the backyard, with the long leash trailing, she slowly walked toward the door and went in, totally disregarding the threshold . Anytime one of the guys wanted her to walk into the house, the threshold was a major obstacle.
And now look at her ! Instead of being disoriented and panicky, she calmly looked at the couch and hopped up. An impossibility just 2 days ago.
Elfriede came for dinner so Schatzi took the opportunity to expand her territory and sniff her purse and the chair she was sitting in. Everything is new !

Friday, April 23, 2010

What's to eat ?

Schatzi had a quiet day. Just watching the activities in the kitchen lounging in her basket and sitting out in the backyard freezing.
She is revoking the "twice a day peeing " plan. Living in the high desert she probably realizes, she has to save water.

With all the food preparation going on, she was ready to expand her culinary horizon.

Peanut butter and jelly - not bad. So good actually , that she took a few very careful bites out of my hand. This alone is quite a feat. According to the " typical behavior of a puppy mill survivor " most of them have terror of the human hand and it takes a lot of patience and non threatening touches to over come. Building trust takes time.

After a few trial and errors, she is now eating real doggie food. Perfectly sized Li'l Ceasar servings with tempting names .
There is chicken and beef in meaty juices, grilled chicken, canine cuisine with turkey and chicken and cheddar cheese souffle, liver and not to forget prime rib, pork tenderloin and smoked bacon and eggs. Smells really good and sounds good enough to go on our menu.

These little plastic trays can be recycled.
We have 3 paper bags in the kitchen area for that purpose. One for mail, wine bottles and papers, one by the desk for mostly papers and an occasional soda can and the 3rd one for steel cans, plastic containers and other good smelling things that would entice a dachsie to sort through.
Schatzi is too polite to check out anything, a perfect little lady.
Our # 2, Ohren the always hungry one, would dump the garbage with one skillful yank. We did not have such an elegant trash can as we have now, and so it was easy for him to decorate the dining area.
He was a meister in procuring food. His most famous heist was in the van.
I drove home from grocery shopping , paper sacks on the floor because the van did not have a trunk. Ohren was sampling the goodies and zeroed in on a 2 pound block of cheese which he ate by the time we got home. I do not remember if he shared with Max, our # 3.
The following shopping trip, I wanted to have the interesting food items in the front, so I could keep an eye on the dachsies.
Emmett was sure, Ohren would never steal anything when Dad is in the car. While still loading the bags, Ohren selected a pot roast and started pulling it out of the sack. Papa versus Dackel ! Ohren had bitten in the roast and pulled with all his might. It is amazing how strong a determined doggie can be. He lost.
From now on, small items like a tray with marrow bones was stowed in a shelf out of the dachsie's reach . It just took a very short time in the heat of the summer to realize I forgot the bones in the car . Dead mouse, squirrel, possibly a cat ? Just the marrow bones.
The dogs thought this was the best smelling van in the whole city.

Driving lessons

Another stressful day. Driving lessons.
The third time in the car and she is getting calmer. I have to hold her tightly with harness and leash to keep her from climbing over my shoulder. She is doing pretty well as long as the traffic is slow and stopped. I am very glad she is not getting motion sick.
Max our # 3 dachsie threw up into Andy's shirt and Fausti was good for about 5 miles before it was all over.
The best part for Schatzi is watching all the incredible activity in a busy parking lot like Walmart. She sees Emmett and Crissy leave but does not look for them coming back. Closing car doors still startles her and worse the back hatch, because she cannot see around the corner. My father could look around corner. As a little girl I never understood how he did that.

Weather wise, it was great ! Fogged in and the second day of rain since probably September.
Schatzi of course did not like to get her beautiful hair wet to visit the back yard. Andy took her out and to keep them both dry, opened an umbrella ! Super panic mode again, trying to dash toward the deck and hiding there. It is amazing how strong and stubborn a little doggie can be.
I hope Schatzi is on a different poo time table very soon. She has to go in the middle of the night. She is playful like a little puppy and the tail is wagging , what a nice way to let us know. Emmett puts on pants, shoes and a jacket and carries her out. Nothing happens, because good things take times.
So back to bed, all nested in and then the repeat performance. In the dark there is always a chance for the fox to come by or a raccoon rooting around. We have no mountain lions in this part of town that we know of, but Coyotes could be a different story.

How to pee

Everyday is new for Schatzi.
A little tail wag for Emmett in the morning and after sitting in the backyard for a while with him she still does not like to be on a normal pee schedule. At least she changed from 1 every 24 hours to twice a day. A 100% improvement.

Faustimaus, our # 5 had an iron bladder too. Is the wind blowing ? We are not going out. Does it look wet ? Or God forbid a blizzard ! Fausti waited til the sun was out again and Emmett shoveled an area for her to go. This could take 2 days.

Ohren, our # 2 and only black dachsie was holding on when we traveled from Colorado to Tennessee. No rest stop was comfortable for him, he did not like the motel in St. Louis but just west of the Mississippi he let it rip all over Emmett's lap.

Our first dachsie, Raskal, traveled far and wide and learned to do his business in foreign places. Raskal rode from Colorado to Virginia standing on top of a cooler. Our small car had no AC and this way he caught the hot and muggy breezes in July.
Flying to Germany, he learned to pee on concrete side walks with cars flying by. An occasional " green lung " a small patch of grass was "Verboten " to be stepped on.
Austria was great. Barking at the cows behind barb wire, they were not impressed by a little dachsie. They actually came closer --- scary, but what a selection of cow muffins to choose from ! Raskal , world traveler , rode a bus and also a train. Having grass under your paws again in Florida and Colorado was nothing exiting anymore ,just home turf.

Schatzi's new territory was watching the Commissary parking lot. It was like a movie. Comfortably sitting with me high up in the pick up, protected by pink harness, pink leash and mom's arms her great big brown eyes seeing everything.
Cars silently gliding by, shopping carts rattling , people walking , tiny noisy people, wonderful breezes with hamburger smells , crows cawing and heavy airplanes humming by. Her cute little teddy bear ears moved like antennas and strangely enough, the planes did not phase her.
A friendly man even talked to her, that caused panic however.
But recognizing Emmett from afar did not work yet.
Heck, it was her first shopping trip.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Half a tiny wag !!

Schatzi sleeps with us and when she has to go, or what ever is in her mind, she walks over Emmett's feet. He had to take her out twice last night with diarrhea. After tasting all these new amazing little tidbits, her tummy must be upset. I should have known.
She eats very little and drinks even less. So she pees about once in 24 hours. Probably not enough I could imagine, but everything will take time with her. I bet in a month, she will be a completely different doggie.
We don't leave her alone in bed because of fear that she might jump out. Especially since we have a new bed, where even I can't get in without a stainless steel doctor approved foot stool with a handle bar. A jump down would be like sailing into the Grand canyon.
Suddenly, there was the incredible sight and totally new , and we both saw it : Two tiny fast little wags with her tail for her dad ! How trusting and a little less fear.

Her pink dainty harness needed a little adjustment. The holes for the front feet are too big and she frequently gets tangled up. I cut off a small piece, shortened that part and sewed a little flower appliqué over it. She looks so cute !

Tuesday we saw our vet again, Dr. Chmelka, after 5 years.
I have no idea how many years he took care for our little guys.
The last doggie # 4, Waldi, died almost to the date in March 2005. He had dementia, was about 15 !/2 years and a very old dachsie.
What a home body he was. Please let us not go anywhere ! A walk to the neighbors house was plenty . And absolutely no cars ! He was trembling when he took a ride in town, but very strange, he was calm on a highway and fell asleep.
The other two had a great time and always trusted the car would find our home again.
The car did not frightened Schatzi as much as the last time. She was curious and looked around. As long as your are driving slow she didn't seem to be too scared. Just don't make this thing go faster !
The office visit went well, she never moved and is so resigned to her fate and of course never makes the tiniest sound. She just got probed a little and poked and the doctor found her heart and lungs in good shape. Of concern are the knees.
He found the right knee worse than the left, but she hobbles with the left and did not put the foot down.
Schatzi barely walks at all. The doctor explained how the patella slips and what can be done. If she gets more comfortable with her surrounding and even considers a little exploring in the house, she might strengthens the muscles and tendons and the knees might stay in place. 4 years in a rabbit cage takes a serious toll.

We have to cut down the side of her basket even more, because of her knee problem. This time we use pruning shears and don't need Fausti's input to remodel the edge.
To see if her vocal cords got damaged can only been seen, if the doctor puts a scope down her throat. And that we don't need just for curiosity's sake.

Emmett wants to hurry up her house exploration. What would she do, if we put her on the floor in the bedroom...... nothing but panic ! Where is my safety basket ?
Maybe she would crawl under the bed and he would have to take the bed apart to get her out. Hmmm. We kept foam bumpers from our last bed, which got stuffed under the sides of the new one so she can't disappear . All the preparations are, because he really wanted Schatzi to visit his office . Putting Schatzi on the floor and - nothing but a wobbly blond fur ball is streaking passed the computer room toward the stairs.
The abyss stopped her. Thank God, because she has no idea what stairs are for .With lot's of coaxing and laying on the floor she was picked up safely again.
We only have her 6 full days and she is so timid ! It will take time, lot's of it.
We know she feels safe, because she sleeps relaxed and her tail little stretched out instead of a tight curl and ever vigilant.

Sunday, day 4

Tiny 1/4 inch steps of progress.
She goes out with Emmett on a very long leash and there they sit in the middle of the backyard. Schatzi sits for a while, good 15 minutes, listens to the birds and smells the breeze and then slowly walks to a spot to do her business. She actually walked back to him without yanking on the leash.
If something unforeseen happens, like a plane screaming overhead or a roof is being torn off and a big chunk falls to the ground, then it is all over.

We thought to introduce her to the car with a 5 minute ride to get the Sunday paper. Not good yet, she climbed frantically over my shoulder and trembled for a long time afterwards in her basket. Her bed is her safety place.

A book about adopting a rescue dog, wants you to have a crate for her. As afraid as she is, there would be no way to coax her out of the kennel without scaring her. Probably shades of the puppy mill, where they yanked the dogs out of their cages on what ever they can grab hold of. Ears, scruff, legs, tail....We want her to be a free doggie and not stuffed into a cage again...... no crate for her for crying out loud !!
Yesterday Emmett cut down the edge of her wicker baskets to make the entrance and especially exiting it a lot easier.
Faustimaus , our # 5 Dachsie, worked tireless on reducing the basket rims to make it more dachshund friendly. One basket, almost an antique, was not usable after she declared the work done. After all this remodeling what Fausti really wanted was a soft sided bed. The other two baskets got layers of duct tape over the chewed areas and are still very nice.
After the improvements Fausti made on the baskets I read, that you should never get a dachsie a wicker basket !

Schatzi still seemed to have difficulties with climbing out, she wobbles and is uncoordinated.
I happen to read the very sparse notes from the vet at the kennel and there it said, she has grade 3-4 luxating ( ? ) patella, B- lateral.
Bad knees. She might have this because she is a toy breed, or because of trauma.
She still has not made a sound, I think, they cut her vocal cords.

Congratulations !

From Leila :
Just wondering how the new doggie situation is going. I hope that she adjusts to her new home and enjoys all of the attention that I am sure you are all giving her.

From Helen :
She sure is an adorable little girl!!
What a face!!

From Maggie and Dave:
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! She is adorable!! I can't image better "parents" then you two. With your love and affection she will no doubt soon become that happy doggie you hope for!

From Karl :
Schatzi ist süss. Es wird ihr bei Dir gut gehen.

From Birgit :
I am very happy to hear that your little Schatzi is doing well and starting to come around. She will be just fine. Thank you for the picture, she sure is a pretty girl.

From Charles :
What a wonderful addition to your family ! Can't wait to see her.

From Dawn:
Congratulations on your new family addition ! She is sweet and adorable ! I can't wait to see her ! You know she is the luckiest little dog in the world to have you both as parents.
Jackson says " hello " as well.

From Diana :
What an adorable little sweetheart ! May the puppy mill breeder roast in hell for ever in the small rabbit cages.

Diaper business

The second full day and there are two big steps forward. For the normal dog, it is nothing, but for one with this huge psychological baggage it is quite a feat .
She totally relaxed in our bed, all legs stretched out and putting her head on the front paws .She did not have to be on guard for something unexpected to happen. She just closed her eyes and felt safe.

Much bigger however is, that she very carefully ate some liver wurst out of my hand.
The rescue people gave us a paper with behavior common to caged dogs and what to expect.
The dogs are afraid of the human hands, because they lure them with a bit of food and consequently cause pain and terror.
She ate a treat from Andy's hand later too, but not yet for Emmett, although he is the lovable Dad who carries her around and goes with her into the backyard.
She gave up out running the leash, but it is still way too early to let her explore on her own. We could never get her out from under the deck or fall into a window well. She seems to be a bit uncoordinated and could have a little problem with a hind leg.

We also learned about doggie diapers. They now sell panties with a Kotex in it, to prevent accidents in the house. The equivalent for the males are belly bands. The panties for the girls go by weight, have velcro tabs and look just like miniature baby diapers.
Schatzi weight 15 pounds and the small size should have fit., Way too small, they slid down around her legs and she looked hogtied.The poor doggie never said a sound or indicated that this is uncomfortable.
There was no accident in our bed.

For the following night we were ready with regular baby attire - 18 pound size diaper.
They fit, were very soft and felt comfy. Of course, you have to cut a hole for the tail. In the morning, they also slid down because of her silky hair and we found our bed filled with the feeling of sand.
The polymers looking like grains of salt, that absorb the moisture, seeped out of the tail hole and we were sleeping on a virtual beach.

Second Day

It is the second day we have her and we see a tiny bit of progress.We signed the adoption papers on Saturday but picked her up on Wednesday.All kind of people for Easter dinner is not the time to introduce a new terrified doggie.

The rescue kennel is about 20 miles out in the prairie. The wind was blasting and howling that the car was almost fish tailing, besides, the shocks are gone. What do you expect from a Lincoln that is in it's 16 th year.

Several women were cuddling doggies in the play area or took some of the bigger ones for a walk, lot's of activities and yipping and barking, except for Schatzi.

Until the last 1/2 hour I was still undecided with her name, either Maia or Schatzi. I always liked the children's book "Die Biene Maia " and Emmett thinks, Schatzi is a more forceful name. Our first Dachsie was named after a children's book too, " Raskal, der Waschbar ". Of course, not knowing anything useful in Englisch in 1968, Raskal sounded good too me. That it actually meant something, I had no idea.

You are supposed to be careful naming a doggie, otherwise it might come true. Schnapps , our # 6 , was called Schnapps, because he snapped, not after the booze. And he snapped good a dozen people. He was from the Humane Society and they had a little sign on his cage that he was at least " vigilant" possibly " bite risk "I really don't remember.
He was friendly with us, I visited him daily, because he was waiting for someone to claim it. He got a few treats and we talked to him. When we picked him up, the worker at the Human Society had a huge rake to corner him with, but Schnapps jumped in Emmett's arms and was very happy to get out of that cage. He was the most lovable and grateful dog we ever had, but he defended our house and family to the death.

So Schatzi it is for the little frightened extremely timid and so far mute beautiful little girl.

The trip home was doable, considering she was never been in a car without a crate. Beside this, she was never out of her little rabbit cage in all of her 4 years, never been on grass, or in a home and has no idea what a dog is supposed to be like, except having one litter after another and making money for the puppy mill creep.
I was told, the Amish are the worst offenders and abusers of dogs, because they consider them life stock and get rid of them after they don't make money for them anymore. Shooting or drowning or worse the volunteer said, I did not ask what " worse " is.
Some of the dogs the rescuers get at an auction, where the black Dachsie Sarge came from. $1.00 for Sarge,we considered him since we are dachshund people. But we could not handle him and he was not interested in us either.
Schatzi was on the website, a frightened little cream colored gorgeous Pomeranian, a Dwarf Spitz in German, the translation I did not know.
Her collar had been adjusted at the rescue place, but with the overabundance of long hair, it is hard to feel where the real dog starts underneath.
Emmett sat her down in the backyard with a dainty pink polka dot leash and her first terrified thought was fleeing.
Of course the collar slipped over her head and she raced as far as she could to the fence. Emmett behind her and Schatzi taking off in the opposite direction. Catching her was impossible, so we sat down after a while and soon Schatzi made smaller circles and came closer, running off again and almost coming into reaching distance, until she sees a narrow somewhat darker place to dash in.
That was it ! She was trapped. The space between the hot tub and the house, a real box canyon, with a huge pot blocking one end. In the winter we put ashes in this pot from the wood stove , it was big enough to stop her.
Emmett climbed over the ash pot and I was waiting on the other end. So Schatzi was carried inside with her leash trailing out of Emmett's pocket. We put one of the old harnesses on her and the leash. This way, we can get her if she disappears under the couch.
Two baskets are still in the kitchen for my invisible crew of dachsies who live in doggie heaven . We put Schatzi in one of them and there she stayed.
She stays where ever you put her, basket, couch and bed , no complains and not a single peep.She is totally resign to her fate.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7

Hi Helen,
we would like to pick up the little Pomeranian on Wednesday afternoon, probably around 2:30 PM.
If this does not work for you, please let me know.
We are looking forward to take her home !

Gaylee and Emmett


She has been cleaned up.
I will let our Wed. Point of Contact know to expect you.



We picked her up this afternoon and she is doing pretty well so far.Tomorrow is a new day and I am hoping she feels she can trust us just a tad more.


It sometimes takes a while.
Do not be too alarmed if she doesn't eat for the first 24 hours etc.

Feel free to call if you need any support or have any questions.

We have a couple of wonderful behaviorists who also volunteer and help
with questions about timid dogs in a new environment.

She has never experienced a home before so everything will be new and
overwhelming to her.

Thanks for giving her a loving home!!
The transformation is amazing to watch as she learns to be a free and
loved dog.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1 st 2010

Hi Sharon,
I was looking at the new arrival page and would like to meet a little Pomeranian girl, Lady. Id # JA 10 - 48. Page 3 and doggie # 8.
Please let me know if this would be possible.

Thanks, Gaylee

Oh, hi there, my name is Lady, and I'm a little timid Pomeranian, but with lots of hugs I will get over this. You know how us blond girls just love to be loved. I weigh about 16 lbs, my age is still a secret, but I've have had all my shots, and will be spayed before you get to take me home. Please be sure your yard is fenced for me, and then write down my name and ID # and watch for me and more info on the Available Dogs page soon!



Lady is housed at our kennel and if you have been approved and
have an adoption certificate, the address of the kennel is located at the
bottom of the certificate. You are welcome to come to the kennel on
Saturday between 12 and 4pm to visit and meet Lady.

Thanks for your interest in adopting a rescued dog from NMDR.