Friday, April 23, 2010

How to pee

Everyday is new for Schatzi.
A little tail wag for Emmett in the morning and after sitting in the backyard for a while with him she still does not like to be on a normal pee schedule. At least she changed from 1 every 24 hours to twice a day. A 100% improvement.

Faustimaus, our # 5 had an iron bladder too. Is the wind blowing ? We are not going out. Does it look wet ? Or God forbid a blizzard ! Fausti waited til the sun was out again and Emmett shoveled an area for her to go. This could take 2 days.

Ohren, our # 2 and only black dachsie was holding on when we traveled from Colorado to Tennessee. No rest stop was comfortable for him, he did not like the motel in St. Louis but just west of the Mississippi he let it rip all over Emmett's lap.

Our first dachsie, Raskal, traveled far and wide and learned to do his business in foreign places. Raskal rode from Colorado to Virginia standing on top of a cooler. Our small car had no AC and this way he caught the hot and muggy breezes in July.
Flying to Germany, he learned to pee on concrete side walks with cars flying by. An occasional " green lung " a small patch of grass was "Verboten " to be stepped on.
Austria was great. Barking at the cows behind barb wire, they were not impressed by a little dachsie. They actually came closer --- scary, but what a selection of cow muffins to choose from ! Raskal , world traveler , rode a bus and also a train. Having grass under your paws again in Florida and Colorado was nothing exiting anymore ,just home turf.

Schatzi's new territory was watching the Commissary parking lot. It was like a movie. Comfortably sitting with me high up in the pick up, protected by pink harness, pink leash and mom's arms her great big brown eyes seeing everything.
Cars silently gliding by, shopping carts rattling , people walking , tiny noisy people, wonderful breezes with hamburger smells , crows cawing and heavy airplanes humming by. Her cute little teddy bear ears moved like antennas and strangely enough, the planes did not phase her.
A friendly man even talked to her, that caused panic however.
But recognizing Emmett from afar did not work yet.
Heck, it was her first shopping trip.

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