Saturday, April 24, 2010

Taking pills

A day to recover. Schatzi slept well and even made tiny signs of having to go out. Normally it is an exuberant bunny hop and waving a flag, today you just had to sense it. Her ears were flat against her head, fear.
Good job in the yard and anticipating breakfast. Feeding is not very easy yet, because she is still very suspicious .Especially after that stress yesterday.

Three things have to get into her food : lot's of yogurt cultures because of very loose stool. An antibiotic because her teeth also got polished and Rimadyl, an anti inflammatory and pain med. Hiding the pills in the food and hoping she would swallow --- good girl, she ate all of them.
It would have never worked for the Dachsies, they could sense the medication,and spit the pill out without touching it . Only a pill rolled in liver wurst did the trick. And plenty of it afterwards. Waldi and Fausti both were on Rimadyl for arthritis and Waldi also on Analapril for a heart murmur. Dr. Chmelka said, his heart sounded like a washing machine.
Strangely enough, my mother was on the same heart medication, only Waldi took 4 times as much.
For tonight I figured out a better way.
I will wrap her meds into a small amount of food, and when this is eaten, I will give her a new bowl . This way I don't have to search through the remnants to see, if the medication is gone.
Schatzi is mostly resting, still looking somewhat disheveled and has the Brigitte Bardot look on a bad hair day.

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