Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pillow speaker

A kitty was under the bird feeder this morning.
A big white cat, bigger than Schatzi, was waiting to supplement her breakfast.
I have no experience with cats, but I understand they hunt just for the fun of it and not for lack of food . So kitty, no killing allowed here.
Schatzi discovered the cat on her morning patrol. She dashed up on the deck and barked from as far away as possible. Dad to the rescue, like always. The cat was not interested in vacating the spot, but eventually had to remove herself into Betty's yard. Then it was safe for Schatzi to run all the way to the edge of the rocks and bark : " And don't come back ". She has spurts of bravery.

Schatzi said : I did a little house cleaning in your bed, and look what I found under your pillow ! A very long thin chewie, I tasted it, it was not good at all and I took care of it -- so you don't have to bother ! Well guess what, this was my pillow speaker for my little radio at night. Now it will be very boring until I get another one.

I barely remember anything, that the dachsies chewed up and destroyed, except for the carpet excavating work.
I was not at home, when Waldi got trapped in the small bedroom after a strong draft shut the door . Remembering his ancestral skills digging for badgers, he started tunneling under the door to get out. Faustimaus in the mean time helped from the hall way, however in front of another bed room door. They both worked hard, shredding two big patches of wall to wall carpet but had no success getting Waldi out.

Ohren, our food expert, demolished Gundi's ginger bread men and sampled 8 ginger bread houses.
It really was proof of how skillful and determined a little short legged dachsie can be.
Eight large ginger bread houses, all decorated and ready to go to a craft show, were sitting on the dining room table. Ohren with lot's of effort managed to get up on a dining room chair and from there up on to the table. He took a bite out of every house, just a corner of the roof.
He must have just eaten the royal icing, because I think, I could repair the damage.

The ginger men cookies, however, were just crumbs, when Ohren was done.
The cookies had red ribbons to hang on greenery in a floor vase. They were nicely decorated had cinnamon buttons and their names written in icing.
After the holidays the cookies were packed away in a large metal coffee can, inside a box and stored in the basement.
The following year at Christmas the box came upstairs again.
When the dachsies were alone at home, Ohren worked through the card board box, pulled out the coffee can and opened the lid . Superior nose work.
That was the end of the ginger men.

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