Monday, June 7, 2010

A roof for Dad's Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad !
What a day that was !
On morning patrol at 5:20 in the yard, the fox jumped over the fence on his way home from the night shift.
Totally surprised, Dad told him to go back into the next yard. All he probably wanted was retrieving a dead tiny bunny that he stored in the rocks. With a shovel, Dad threw the bunny into Betty's yard since nobody lived there anymore . So the fox can take it home to his family.

Assuming the fox is still hiding close by, Schatzi's doggie door was closed for her routine running in and out and looking for peanut butter sandwich bites. She usually brings some bread in, does not eat it anymore but keeps the pieces in her baskets.

The roofers came early.
They backed up to the garage with their truck, a trailer, an air compressor and 6 guys with several ladders climbing up on the house.
The big packages of " Amber " Corning shingles were hoisted up there several days earlier with a conveyor belt.
Interesting to us, the crew took a picture with the cell phone of the house with the packages on the roof. Proof of delivery.
Today it was really noisy and Schatzi is still very afraid of unusual sounds.
The heavy steps on the roof, the tearing of the old shingles , and large sheets sailing pass the windows scared Schatzi terribly.
Ripping, hammering, people walking over head, dropping heavy boxes, the staple guns popping and the compressor hissing in front of the door and the house was shaking many times.
Even the plates on the wall jingled and moved a bit on their metallic springs.

Schatzi stayed with Dad all day sitting among all his treasures in his office. She sat there , quiet like a stuffed teddy bear next to the guitar cases, the printers, book bags, just stuff, more stuff and several computers and pretended to be invisible.
During a break of relative silence, we knew it was lunch time, Schatzi headed for the living room to do her business.
For days by now, after a string of 5 poos in the house she is always going out, even on her own - when the doggie door is open. She does not know how to scratch on the door, but we all know her little signs when she wants to go out.
Carried outside by Andy for assurance, she realizes that the yard is littered with shingles. There is no way she can step over this and therefore she can't get back into the house. Andy had to move some of the pieces out of her way and when she thought it was safe she made a dash for the door, right when the AC is kicking in ! This is new for her too ! Another scare !
Schatzi is afraid and confused.
To end the day with more fear, the ball game finished with a big bang fireworks.

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