Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hair !

Schatzi has to go to the groomer in the worst way.
She looks like a character out of " Where the Wild Things are ".
Overgrown with hair, her pretty pantaloons turning into a long skirt. Bushels of blond wool sticking out strait and she looses so much fur, we could supply several dachsies with a winter sweater.
All in all, she looks like a greek sheep rug, where you would like to run a lawn mover over it.

Liz, the national certified groomer suggests, she needs a cut about every 2 to 3 months. When her appointment comes, it would be 87 days between grooming. Way way too long. Six weeks tops for her to stay gorgeous and not smell like a wet doggie.

Andy and I brush her diligently on the deck. She always looks silky and smooth and has no odor and we remove huge amounts of almost totally white undercoat with a small rake .
I wonder if the silky hair can be used for something , spinning into wool or even for wigs. I will definitely let it fly in the spring for the birds to use for nest building.

Dad's brown blanket gets combed frequently to get big handfuls of hair out of the surface. Loose hair swirls under the ceiling fan in the kitchen and the floor needs picking up every day.
Hair is growing everywhere in the house, including on my swimsuit.
The only things that still look good, are her white stockings and her pretty paws.
The city mouse.

Molly will visit the groomer too, mostly for a bath.
There is not much evidence that she is a long hair dachsie, except for the ears.
She needs the hair on her ears shaped and what ever it takes to make them tangle free.
Her hair is so silky and baby fine that she looks like a short hair dachsie.
Since we have her , the tail started sprouting a bigger flag on the end but is still very thin and sparse.
The only thing in abundance are curly locks on her feet and they look like very cute rugged hiking shoes.
The country mouse.

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