Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Dad is back home

My Dad is back for almost a week.
To be exact , just about 1/2 a day is missing from the whole week.
I almost did not recognize him. It was dark and midnight and how should I know who comes home at such an unusual hour.
Phew.... I am embarrassed, but then I am off the hook, when I heard Andy saying, that he almost did not see him at the airport because he looks grayer than when he left.
Dad said, he went to Germany.
I don't know where that is. Could be right behind the backyard, or in Arkansas. Maybe even in the airport . Many people go to the airport and come out again after a while. I suspect, Germany is in the airport too.

Molly pretended to know him, but I know way better.
We had her only one day when Dad went to Germany, so how can she remember him. She loves and kisses everybody who comes into the house, which of course I don't do . I like to inspire great fear in everybody who comes to visit. Better safe and not to be too friendly , I reserve my judgment for later. A nice sharp bark never hurts to show off my voice.
Besides, people are still impressed by my woof to make the door bell ring upstairs.

A Millie moved in down the hill a little way from us. She is an excellent barker, high pitched and barely ever quits. Their people named her "Shut up ", just like the little boy in the same house.

We went to the hair salon. I am gorgeous again, bathed, fluffed, silky hair, pretty pantaloons, a pedicure and pure white stockings. I don't know about Molly. She changed into a short hair dachsie, even the ears are short. Mom said, Molly likes to roll in the yard and picks up all kind of interesting little pieces, that always make tangles and knots. Short ear hair would be a lot easier to maintain.

Molly is very mobile. She sleeps in at least 4 places on various couches plus the window bench.
Dad wants her to be by the table when we are all sitting there.
There are 2 big baskets of course already and one upstairs - they are all mine. Rule number 1 , 2 and 3 : everything is mine. Dad went to buy a bed for Molly and I had to try it out, after the dachsie vacated it. Not bad, sooo, -- this one is mine too.
Dad bought another identical one and said : "You girls have very nice soft beds now, I will get rid of the old basket. "
Oh absolute horror ! My basket, my burg, my fortress, my bed ----- where am I supposed to be feeling safe now ? True, it falls apart because I am working on it -- but this is no reason to throw out a treasured bed ! Dad !!
After being lobbied by Andy for a whole day, my basket is back in it's place.
Everything is fine again with my world .

1 comment:

  1. Very cute entry, Schatzi! You don't really need to worry about where Germany is. ;) I can't wait to see your beautiful new hairdo!
