Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mollie is slowing down

This weekend is the official end of the summer. Balloon Festival and BBQs !
It is about time, because I absolutely hate the heat and I am sick of the days in the 90ties and upper 80ties.
The nights are quite a bit cooler already because of the clear air and lack of humidity in the high desert.
I promised I would not complain this summer about the heat, and I did not. Hating the heat does not qualify as complaining. Good thing is, I can always retreat into the AC when it is necessary.

Schatzi is acting strange for two days already.
Andy is wearing a new khaki shirt and he is wondering , if that color might cause flash backs from her bad life in the mill.
She is barking at him , bolting out of her basket and sliding along the floor trying to get away from him. Schatzi will not be picked up and we cannot catch her without scaring her.
She races into the absolute last corner of the house, the south east corner which is full with obstacles. There is a plant stand, a very low tea cart and a doll carriage loaded with teddy bears. My desk and Mollies new bed keep everything confined.
Andy will see, if changing his outfit can calm her down.

Mollie on the other hand calmed down tremendously.
She realized that the backyard will be there in the morning again. So she happily can do tomorrow what did not get done today. Sounds like me. She can take real naps and even sits in the sun occasionally.

Especially the big game hunting lost a lot of its luster.
The squirrels don't play by the rules, they don't want to be caught. There is no need for 3 feet vertical jumps either since the squirrels heckle her from way higher up. Most of the birds left for safer grounds and even the fox rescheduled his dinner hour for when Mollie is in bed already.
Truly lazy days. I suspect, it will get more interesting in the winter again.

School started at least a week ago and Mollie is studying too.
Every time someone opens the big cupboard, she stands right there and pays attention. Oh, the fragrance ! Coffee, rice, pasta, lots of cereal boxes and the better stuff like chewies from the vet and the oh so delicious bacon filled rolled beef chewies from Brazil.
Bummer, they have been recalled because of salmonella. Last year it was doggie food from China. Mollie is a fan of Chinese food.
Mollie will study how to open the cupboard and then graduate to the really difficult course : " How to open the Fridge. "
This might take a few semesters.

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