Friday, April 23, 2010

What's to eat ?

Schatzi had a quiet day. Just watching the activities in the kitchen lounging in her basket and sitting out in the backyard freezing.
She is revoking the "twice a day peeing " plan. Living in the high desert she probably realizes, she has to save water.

With all the food preparation going on, she was ready to expand her culinary horizon.

Peanut butter and jelly - not bad. So good actually , that she took a few very careful bites out of my hand. This alone is quite a feat. According to the " typical behavior of a puppy mill survivor " most of them have terror of the human hand and it takes a lot of patience and non threatening touches to over come. Building trust takes time.

After a few trial and errors, she is now eating real doggie food. Perfectly sized Li'l Ceasar servings with tempting names .
There is chicken and beef in meaty juices, grilled chicken, canine cuisine with turkey and chicken and cheddar cheese souffle, liver and not to forget prime rib, pork tenderloin and smoked bacon and eggs. Smells really good and sounds good enough to go on our menu.

These little plastic trays can be recycled.
We have 3 paper bags in the kitchen area for that purpose. One for mail, wine bottles and papers, one by the desk for mostly papers and an occasional soda can and the 3rd one for steel cans, plastic containers and other good smelling things that would entice a dachsie to sort through.
Schatzi is too polite to check out anything, a perfect little lady.
Our # 2, Ohren the always hungry one, would dump the garbage with one skillful yank. We did not have such an elegant trash can as we have now, and so it was easy for him to decorate the dining area.
He was a meister in procuring food. His most famous heist was in the van.
I drove home from grocery shopping , paper sacks on the floor because the van did not have a trunk. Ohren was sampling the goodies and zeroed in on a 2 pound block of cheese which he ate by the time we got home. I do not remember if he shared with Max, our # 3.
The following shopping trip, I wanted to have the interesting food items in the front, so I could keep an eye on the dachsies.
Emmett was sure, Ohren would never steal anything when Dad is in the car. While still loading the bags, Ohren selected a pot roast and started pulling it out of the sack. Papa versus Dackel ! Ohren had bitten in the roast and pulled with all his might. It is amazing how strong a determined doggie can be. He lost.
From now on, small items like a tray with marrow bones was stowed in a shelf out of the dachsie's reach . It just took a very short time in the heat of the summer to realize I forgot the bones in the car . Dead mouse, squirrel, possibly a cat ? Just the marrow bones.
The dogs thought this was the best smelling van in the whole city.

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