Saturday, May 29, 2010

Going to the groomer

Schatzi went to the groomer.
She looks gorgeous, just like a little star. Briget Bardot never looked that good.
Her blond hair is puffed up, falls softly without any partitions in it and she still has a faint smell of doggie parfum. That we can do without.
Her little light colored nails got clipped and the curls on her paws and the hair in between the pads is shorter.
The cutest are her fluffy feathered pantaloons .
The white tail, curled up on her back looks like a feather chrysanthemum and she is waving it around like an entertainer on the stage.
Liz, who is a national certified groomer did a wonderful job.
She did not want us to stay with Schatzi, because she would be always looking for her Dad and his protection.
Liz said, dogs are just like kids, when you drop them off at the sitter. A big scene and as soon as mom is gone, they are having fun.
Schatzi did not make a scene, but she is still totally resigned to her fate without complaining.
Later in the evening a man getting out of his car smiled at her and said " Hi, cutie " and all she did was growl.
Accepting compliments needs to be learned too.

Schatzi loves to roll, especially under the blue spruce, under the bird food and what ever good smelling things she finds in the yard.
I thought, cutting her hair would make it easier to remove stickies and keep her cooler in the summer. Liz said no.
The double coated dogs need the insulation for both warmth and cooling and stickies in her hair have to be combed out, no matter what.
The fur never grows back the way it was supposed to be, could get thicker on some places and grows in strange patches in other areas.
So she stays as pretty as she is.

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