Saturday, May 29, 2010

The green Silly Willy

2 very dry days with almost with 90 degrees and lot's of wind.
The grass already looks stressed.
The cotton woods release a small blizzard with their white seeds and the ash tree in the middle of the yard has the northwest half of the leaves open, while the southeast is still a few days behind.
There were no miller moths this month at all. For the dachsies, the hunt was on and they were all very successful catching the insects. The moths were bumbling and slow in daylight, especially when they got evicted from their dark hiding places.

This year we have peanut flies, some kind of a small moth that came from a 50 pound bag of peanuts in the garage. Maggots crawled up the side of the freezer and turned into moths. I told one early in the fall it could stay for the winter, but I had no idea they multiplied immensely and live in dark places. I found one in the check book today !

Schatzi shows a little bit of interest in chasing the squirrels.
The squirrels take the high road along the fence and she runs below. One even had to dash up a tree, after she scared it from behind the ornamental grass. I don't know who was more surprised.

A real surprise was Bill standing by the fence . She never saw anybody ever being in the next yard ! Schatzi yelled at Bill, running away from him, barking and barking, up to the deck still barking , into the kitchen barking some more and still seriously barking until she was satisfied that the danger stayed on his own side of the fence.
We certainly know now, she can truly bark and not just giving a little warning woof.

A robin had to be rescued. Schatzi noticed the bird, who was stuck on one of the lower branches in the blue spruce. Andy carried her back inside as not to hurt the bird. Dad and Andy cut a long nylon string off the robin's leg, who got all tangled up on a branch and could not get away . That birdie would have been fox food in about 2 hours.

Schatzi is the proud owner of a green " Silly Willy ", a squeaky toy that Thelma from the pool sent her.
How much fun that is !
It did not take long for her to figure out how to squeak , how to carry it up and down the stairs, how to throw it into the air, shake it, run run run with it, race around the yard with it and loose it too ! After that she was exhausted, the tongue was almost longer than the little body, she drank water several times ( hurrah ! ) and slept til 6 the next day.
This was great for Dad, because normally 5: 15 in the morning comes very early.

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