Sunday, May 9, 2010

List of Dangerous Foods

Clair sent a little note to see how Schatzi is doing.
Except again for not drinking anything, she must be on the mend. She eats small meals mixed with some water to get at least a few drops in.
She goes out with Dad, plays and runs a little but won't stay out long, because the wind is still strong and it makes it very cold, especially in the shade.

Clair sent a link about an " Ask the vet " column, where he discusses nuts.
Macadamia nuts are toxic, so are walnuts and almonds.
In another piece about " Foods not to give to your dog " from the PETMD it is the same.
Avoid all nuts, except for peanuts and pecans.
The problem here comes in with my german brain, that a nut is a nut, but an almond is an almond and not a nut.
Well, we got this cleared up. No more almonds, what ever they are classified as. What was Edgar Cayce thinking ? Certainly nothing about pets.

Here is the list of dangerous foods :

All nuts except peanuts and pecans
Chocolate,especially dark
Raisins, grapes,
Avocados, alcohol, coffee tea and other caffeine
Milk, candy and gum
Fat trimmings - can cause pancreatitis
Bones --- injured teeth and splinter stuck in the intestines
Persimmons which cause inflammation of the small intestines
Peach and plum pits contain cyanide
Raw eggs can have salmonella and interfere with the absorption of Vitamin B
Raw meat and fish, again can cause food poisoning , in addition
Salmon,shad, trout and sturgeon ( raw ) have parasites, which cause " fish disease", which can be fatal within 2 weeks.
Salt, and over the counter medicines
Baking Soda and baking powder are highly toxic so are
Nutmeg and other spices
Yeast dough, makes the tummy swell and the fermented dough turns into alcohol and could cause alcohol poisoning.

Some things I knew, but it took doggie # 7 to learn about the whole list

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